
Audit of Magazines (all types)

What are in magazines that make them attract their target audiences?
·        Colourful fonts on pages.
·        Free items and competitions.
·        Gossip about celebrities
·        The layout of the pages.
·        The front cover.
·        Sub-headings.
·        Information about what’s in the magazine on the front cover.
·        The pictures used in the magazine.
·        The masthead – whether it is a catchy masthead or not.
·        Appropriate content – if it is a children’s magazine, it should not adult content.
·        Contents page.
·        Children’s magazine – is it authorised?

What I am looking to include in my Music Magazine:
·        Colourful.
·        Pictures in the daylight – unedited. All my pictures will be medium shot. High quality.
·        Gossip.
·        Polls about something in the music industry.
·        I will make it fun, so I can relate to my target audience and beyond.
·        The layout of my magazine will be impeccable. I will structure the pages so certain information stands out.
·        Sub-headings on the front cover to make it stand out to the reader.
·        Contents page – to show the reader what will be coming up in the magazine.
·        Long and short articles.

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